
Total Athletes: 9

Total Ranking points: 13260

Average Ranking points: 1473

Average win rate: 0.116

PositionNameRankCategoryCountryWinsLossesTotal FightsWin rate
1LABROSSE Jimmy 1490-66Seychelles0110.000
2LABROSSE Francis1487-66Seychelles0110.000
3ROSE Brigitte1484-78Seychelles0110.000
4LABROSEE Francis1483-66Seychelles2350.400
5VIDOT Marie-Anette1480-70Seychelles0110.000
6VOLCERE Manella148078Seychelles2240.500
7PHILOE Leslie1468-81Seychelles0220.000
8JEANNE Nady1451-73Seychelles0440.000
9DUGASSE Dominic1437-100Seychelles1670.143
Events included, all 2012 Qualification events:

All data on this site is based on data collected from from Matthias Fischer's TTA software. Many Thanks to Hans van Essen for his assistance linking to his JudoInside player profiles.