
Total Athletes: 13

Total Ranking points: 19050

Average Ranking points: 1465

Average win rate: 0.185

PositionNameRankCategoryCountryWinsLossesTotal FightsWin rate
1POSTIGOS Juan1532-60Peru1716330.515
2TALLEDO Ronnie1492-66Peru1230.333
3WONG Alonso1491-66Peru68140.429
4CANO Lesly1480-48Peru0110.000
5HUAMAN Lesli1480-52Peru0220.000
6DELGADO Karla1479-57Peru0110.000
7ALVARADO Frank1478-100Peru1230.333
8HUAMAN Lesly1469-52Peru0220.000
9CORNEJO Karen1462-57Peru0220.000
10DELGADO Liliana1447-48Peru1450.200
11VIZCARRA Daniel1447-73Peru0330.000
12VELAZCO German1400-81Peru513180.278
13ZEGARRA PRESSER Carlos1393100Peru817250.320
Events included, all 2012 Qualification events:

All data on this site is based on data collected from from Matthias Fischer's TTA software. Many Thanks to Hans van Essen for his assistance linking to his JudoInside player profiles.