This section of the site provides fellow researchers access to the data collected.
Along with the human readable website; the site provides machine readable data.
Specifically, the API provides access to the data in "Comma Seperated Value" (.CSV) format.
The API allows access to all the data or a subset of the data.
Data is accessed by HTTP request to the /api/export_fights/start/finish" path on this site.
A list of final fight numbers by event is accessed via "/api/fights".
A user would like to know all the fight results from the 2010 Rotterdam Grand Prix, so they can find out the average number of players per category.
They visit and see the fight numbers for each event, a subset is shown below:
… 19_ejuworld_cup2010_rome.db: 5039 20_ejuworld_cup2010_baku.db: 5133 21_ejuworld_cup2010_minsk.db: 5264 22_ijfgrand_prix2010_rotterdam.db: 5542 23_ojuworld_cupwcup_samoa2010.db: 5689 24_ijfgrand_prix2010_abu_dhabi.db: 5964 25_juaworld_cup2010_suwon.db: 6240 26_ijfgrand_slam2010_tokyo.db: 6587 ...
The user can see that the 2010 Rotterdam Grand Prix includes fights 5265 to 5542. The number shown on this page shows the last fight number in that event, so the first fight is the last number of prior event+1.
To obtain the fight data for the 2010 Rotterdam Grand Prix, the user visits http://dev.rwjl/api/export_fights/5265/5542
Below is an example output:

You can see from the image above the data returned is a CSV list that contains the following data points:
- Date: Date of the event, currently the date of the first day of the event.
- Event: Name of the event
- Round: Round in the event ("Preliminary round","Semifinal","Final","Repechage","Fight for 3rd place")
- Category: Category ("-81", "-48", etc.)
- Surname1: Surname/Family name of Player 1
- FirstName1: Christian/First name of player 1
- Nation1: Country player 1 comes from
- Surname2: Surname/Family name of Player 2
- Firstname2: Christian/First name of player 1
- Nation2: Country player 1 comes from
- P1Score: Score for player one
- P2Score: Score for player two
- Winner: Which player won ("1" or "2")
- - This page
- - Text list of events and fight numbers
- http://dev.rwjl/api/export_fights/xxxx/yyyy - Fight data. x = start number, y = stop number
Events included, all 2012 Qualification events:
- Grand_prix, 2010 Tunis
- World cup, 2010 Cairo
- Grand slam, 2010 Rio
- World cup, 2010 Sao Paulo
- World cup, 2010 Bucharest
- World cup, 2010 Madrid
- World cup, 2010 Tallinn
- World cup, 2010 Lisbon
- World cup, 2010 Isla Margarita
- World cup, 2010 San Salvador
- Grand slam, 2010 Moscow,
- World Cup, 2010 Mongolia
- OJU Champs, 2010 Canberra
- World Cup, 2010 Miami
- World Champs, 2010 Tokyo
- World Cup Men, 2010 Almaty
- World Cup Women, 2010 Tashkent
- World Cup Women, 2010 GB
- World Cup Men, 2010 Rome
- World Cup Women, 2010 Baku
- World Cup Men, 2010 Minsk
- Grand Prix, 2010 Rotterdam
- World Cup, 2010 Samoa
- Grand Prix, 2010 Abu Dhabi
- World Cup, 2010 Suwon
- Grand Slam, 2010 Tokyo
- Grand Prix, 2010 Qingdao
- World Masters, 2011 Baku
- World Cup Women, 2011 Sofia
- World Cup Men, 2011 Tblisi
- Grand Slam, 2011 Paris
- World Cup Men, 2011 Budapest
- World Cup Women, 2011 Oberwart
- Grand Prix, 2011 Dusseldorf
- World Cup Women, 2011 Prague
- World Cup Men, 2011 Warsaw
- PJC Continental 2011
- JUA Continental 2011
- AJU Continental 2011
- OJU Continental 2011
- EJU Continental 2011
- Grand Prix, 2011 Baku
- Grand Slam, Moscow 2011
- World Cup Men, Bucharest 2011
- World Cup Women, Madrid 2011
- World Cup Women, Lisbon 2011
- World Cup Men, Tallinn 2011
- Grand Slam, Rio 2011
- World Cup, Sao Paulo 2011
- World Cup, Miami 2011
- World Cup, Purto la Cruz 2011
- World Cup, San Salvador 2011
- World Championships, Paris 2011
- World Cup, Ulaanbaatar 2011
- World Cup, Tashkent 2011
- World Cup, Almaaty 2011
- World Cup Women, Rome 2011
- World Cup Men, Liverpool 2011
- World Cup Women, Minsk 2011
- World Cup Men, Baku 2011
- Grand Prix, 2011 Abu Dhabi
- World Cup, 2011 Samoa
- Grand Prix, 2011 Amsterdam
- World Cup, 2011 Korea
- Grand Slam, 2011 Tokyo
- Grand Prix, 2011 Qing Dao
- World Master, 2012 Almaty
- World Cup, 2012 Sofia
- World Cup, 2012 Tblisi
- Grand Slam, 2012 Paris
- World Cup, 2012 Oberwart
- World Cup, 2012 Budapest
- Grand Prix, 2012 Duesseldorf
- World Cup Men, 2012 Prague
- World Cup Women, 2012 Warsaw
- Continental Championships, 2012 Africa
- Continental Championships, 2012 Panamerica
- Continental Championships, 2012 Europe
- Continental Championships, 2012 Asia
- Continental Championships, 2012 Oceania
All data on this site is based on data collected from from Matthias Fischer's TTA software. Many Thanks to Hans van Essen for his assistance linking to his JudoInside player profiles.